Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi and the national convener of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), is set to lead a ‘Tiranga Yatra’ in Adampur, Haryana, as part of his two-day visit to the state. The ‘Tiranga Yatra’ will commence from Kranti Chowk in Adampur, Hisar, and will be followed by a rally at the Adampur Mandi.
Kejriwal’s visit to Hisar holds significance in light of the upcoming by-poll to the Adampur assembly seat, which was necessitated by the resignation of Kuldeep Bishnoi from the Haryana assembly as an MLA. Bishnoi, who was a member of the Congress party, recently switched allegiance to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Adampur is considered a stronghold of Bishnoi, making the by-poll a crucial political battleground.
Accompanying Kejriwal on his visit is Bhagwant Mann, the Chief Minister of Punjab. This joint appearance of the two prominent political figures from neighboring states adds weight to the AAP’s campaign in Haryana.
Furthermore, Kejriwal’s visit coincides with the upcoming panchayat polls in Haryana, further emphasizing the party’s focus on strengthening its presence and garnering support in the state.
Prior to the ‘Tiranga Yatra,’ Kejriwal launched the AAP’s ‘Make India No. 1’ campaign from Hisar. This campaign aims to highlight the party’s vision and strategies for taking India to the forefront in various aspects, including education, healthcare, infrastructure, and governance.
The ‘Tiranga Yatra’ itself is a symbolic gesture that represents patriotism and unity, with the national flag, or “Tiranga,” being carried during the procession. It serves as a platform for Kejriwal to connect with the masses, addressing their concerns and presenting the AAP’s agenda for progress and development.
Kejriwal’s visit to Haryana and the ‘Tiranga Yatra’ not only demonstrate the AAP’s efforts to expand its political footprint beyond Delhi but also reflect the party’s determination to emerge as a strong contender in the upcoming by-poll and panchayat elections. The presence of both Kejriwal and Bhagwant Mann underscores the AAP’s commitment to regional alliances and its aspirations to create a significant impact on Haryana’s political landscape.
As the ‘Tiranga Yatra’ progresses and Kejriwal addresses the rally at Adampur Mandi, it remains to be seen how the AAP’s message resonates with the people of Haryana and influences the political dynamics in the state.