Post heart attack, Sushmita Sen trains in the marital art from Kalaripayattu for ‘Aarya 3’


Sushmita Sen, a renowned Bollywood actress, experienced a heart attack several months ago and shared the news with her fans on social media. According to her post, she underwent angioplasty and had a stent implanted. While her condition was undoubtedly serious, her positive attitude and determination helped her bounce back quickly.

Recovering from a heart attack can be a challenging and lengthy process, but staying active and adopting healthy habits can be beneficial for overall health and recovery. It’s important for individuals who have had a heart attack to follow their doctor’s advice regarding physical activity, diet, and stress management.

Sushmita Sen’s dedication to her fitness regimen and work commitments is inspiring, but it’s important to note that each person’s recovery process is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s essential to prioritize one’s health and well-being, and to consult with medical professionals before engaging in any physical activity or lifestyle changes.

A heart attack can be a wake-up call for individuals to make positive changes in their lives and prioritize their health. With a positive mindset and the right guidance and support, it’s possible to make a full recovery and lead a fulfilling life.


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