Ram Charan, the star of the blockbuster film “RRR,” recently expressed his admiration for Kashmir as the “coolest” place to shoot films in India. Speaking at the ‘Film Tourism for Economic and Cultural Preservation’ event held in the scenic valley, Charan highlighted the untapped potential of Kashmir as a filming destination.
Being the son of renowned actor Chiranjeevi, Charan emphasized the deep connection his family has with Kashmir. He mentioned that his father had extensively shot in the region, and he himself had visited for the first time in 1986. The actor also revealed that he had last shot a movie in the valley in 2016, creating a sense of achievement and nostalgia during his recent visit.
Describing the experience as surreal, Charan expressed his excitement about the unexplored beauty of Kashmir. He emphasized that despite the existence of the film industry for 95 years, it would take another 95 years to fully explore the captivating landscapes of Kashmir. The untouched and virgin locations present endless opportunities for filmmakers to showcase the region’s natural splendor on the silver screen.
Furthermore, Charan expressed his desire to focus on filming within India, stating that he wanted to explore more of his own country. He mentioned that unless a Hollywood producer is involved, he would prefer not to travel abroad for his next two movies. This commitment to promoting Indian destinations for film shoots aligns with the event’s objective of boosting film tourism and preserving cultural heritage.
In addition to his praise for Kashmir, Charan shared news about his upcoming projects. After the global success of “RRR,” he is set to star in a feature film directed by S Shankar alongside the talented actress Kiara Advani. The film is currently in production, generating excitement among fans and industry insiders.
Charan’s endorsement of Kashmir as a prime filming location adds to the growing recognition of the region’s potential in the film industry. With its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, Kashmir is poised to attract more filmmakers, contributing to the local economy and promoting the region’s tourism.
As the event concluded, attendees were inspired by Ram Charan’s enthusiasm for promoting Indian film tourism and creating awareness about the untapped beauty of Kashmir. With the actor’s endorsement and the support of the film industry, it is hopeful that more filmmakers will be drawn to explore the mesmerizing landscapes of Kashmir, showcasing its magic on the big screen for audiences around the world to appreciate.