Scented Candles May Disrupt Hormones, Expert Warns; Natural Alternatives Advised

scented candles

Planning a candlelight dinner for your beau? Or simply want a quiet night in, curling up with a good book and lounging in the cozy warmth of scented candles? You might be unknowingly dooming yourself. These fragrant candles release toxins that threaten to disrupt your health in more ways than you can imagine.

Dr. Srinivas Kandula, Consultant Endocrinologist at CARE Hospitals, Banjara Hills, has raised concerns about the health implications of lighting scented candles. According to Dr. Kandula, these candles release particles into the air that are inhaled, particularly in indoor environments. Studies reveal that lighting scented candles can disrupt hormones due to the presence of phthalates in the fragrances used in candle manufacturing.

Phthalates, commonly found in synthetic fragrances, are chemicals that can interfere with the endocrine system. When inhaled, these substances can mimic hormones, leading to hormonal imbalances and potential health issues. Dr. Kandula warns that prolonged exposure to such chemicals may contribute to conditions like thyroid disorders, reproductive issues, and other hormone-related problems.

The allure of scented candles lies in their ability to create a relaxing and inviting atmosphere. However, the hidden dangers associated with their use are prompting experts to recommend safer alternatives. Dr. Kandula advises opting for natural fragrances over candles containing synthetic fragrances. Essential oils, for instance, can provide a pleasant aroma without the harmful side effects linked to synthetic counterparts.

Natural alternatives such as beeswax candles or those made from soy wax are also preferable. These candles typically contain fewer harmful chemicals and burn cleaner, reducing the risk of indoor air pollution. Additionally, using natural air fresheners like potpourri or simmering spices and herbs can offer a safer way to enjoy delightful scents in your home.

As awareness of the potential health risks associated with scented candles grows, consumers are encouraged to make informed choices. By selecting products that prioritize natural ingredients, individuals can enjoy the ambiance and fragrance they desire without compromising their health.

Recent research supports Dr. Kandula’s warnings, linking synthetic fragrances to a variety of health issues beyond hormone disruption. Studies indicate that chemicals released from burning scented candles can contribute to respiratory problems, such as asthma and allergies. These volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which include substances like formaldehyde and benzene, can aggravate respiratory conditions and negatively affect indoor air quality.

Public awareness campaigns and advocacy groups are increasingly emphasizing the importance of indoor air quality. They urge consumers to scrutinize the ingredients in their household products. This growing awareness is driving demand for transparency from manufacturers and a shift towards cleaner, safer alternatives in the market.

Moreover, many individuals are turning to do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions for home fragrance. Making your own candles or diffusers using natural ingredients can be an enjoyable and health-conscious alternative. Ingredients such as beeswax, coconut oil, and essential oils allow for customization and control over what is released into your living space, ensuring a safer environment for you and your family.

Retailers are also responding to this trend by offering a wider range of natural and non-toxic products. From essential oil diffusers to naturally scented candles made with organic ingredients, the options available to consumers are expanding. This shift reflects a broader movement towards wellness and sustainability, as people seek to reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals in everyday products.

In addition to swapping out synthetic fragrances for natural ones, maintaining proper ventilation in your home is crucial. Regularly airing out rooms and using air purifiers can help mitigate the impact of any pollutants that might still be present. Combining these practices with the use of natural products creates a holistic approach to improving indoor air quality and overall health.


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