
Understanding the Benefits of Exercising in Your Fat-Burning Zone

In the pursuit of weight loss, many turn to high-intensity workouts as the go-to solution. However, experts are pointing towards a different strategy—the fat-burning...

Facial Signs of Health Issues: What Your Face Reveals About Your Well-being

Dr. Ajay Rana, a dermatologist, aesthetic physician, and founder director of ILAMED, emphasizes that subtle changes in facial features or skin condition can serve...

BRI vs. BMI: Which is the Better Measure of Body Composition?

The debate over the best method to measure body composition continues as experts weigh the merits of Body Mass Index (BMI) against the newer...

Groundwater Contamination in Himachal Pradesh Raises Health Concerns

A new study by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) Mandi and Jammu has revealed alarming levels of contamination in the groundwater of Himachal...

Study Reveals Mood Shifts Enhance Pleasure Responses in Bipolar Disorder

Using the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) brain scanning technique, researchers tracked the brain responses of participants with bipolar disorder while they experienced mood...

Korean Noodles Temporarily Banned Due to Spicy Food Poisoning Risks

Denmark has issued a recall of several popular Korean instant ramen noodles produced by Samyang due to high levels of capsaicin, the compound responsible...

Exploring the Arm Basting Trend for Smoother Skin: What You Need to Know

In the quest for smoother skin, a viral trend on TikTok has caught the attention of users battling keratosis pilaris (KP), commonly known as...

The Truth Behind Egg Yolk Color: Experts Debunk Nutritional Myths

Amid concerns over food safety and the need for consumers to be vigilant about the products they consume, a recent social media post has...

Latest news

Controversy Erupts Over Taste Atlas’s Ratings of Popular Indian Foods

Indians cherish their food, with its enormous variety setting it apart from other cuisines. Recently, the experiential online guide...

Study Finds Genetic Link to BMI, Highlighting Obesity Risks

A new study suggests that Body Mass Index (BMI) may be significantly influenced by genetic factors. Researchers have found...

Surge in Demand for Skilled Medical Coders in India Drives Enrollment in Specialized Courses

After the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare sector has seen an extraordinary spike in demand for skilled personnel, particularly in...

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Gautam Adani Surpasses Mukesh Ambani to Reclaim Title of Asia’s Richest Person

In a significant shakeup of the billionaire hierarchy, Gautam...

Tragedy Strikes Jagannath Festival: Nine Lives Lost in Puri Explosion

The sacred city of Puri in the eastern Indian...

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