Four arrested for allegedly selling minor girl for Rs 50,000 in Madhya Pradesh


Police in Madhya Pradesh have arrested three men and a woman for allegedly selling a 17-year-old girl for Rs 50,000 ($675) to a person in the Raisen district. The girl, who was a resident of Ghughri police station limits in Mandla district, had met two of the accused, Pahalwati Bai and Sunil Kushwaha, while working at a dairy in Jabalpur. They lured her with the promise of a better job in Mumbai.

Later, the accused took the girl to Patai village in Raisen where they allegedly sold her to a person named Vishnu Kushwaha for Rs 50,000 to marry him. Meanwhile, the girl’s parents filed a missing complaint with the police in Mandla. Based on this information, the police arrested the four accused on Saturday.

The incident highlights the issue of human trafficking in India, which is a significant problem in the country. According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), there were over 5,400 cases of human trafficking in India in 2019, with more than 7,000 victims.

The victims of human trafficking in India are often women and children who are exploited for forced labor or sexual exploitation. The crime is prevalent in several parts of the country, with the traffickers targeting vulnerable people such as those living in poverty or those who are uneducated.

The government of India has taken several steps to address the problem of human trafficking. It has enacted the Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, which criminalizes trafficking and prostitution. Additionally, the government has set up anti-human trafficking units in several states to investigate cases of trafficking.

However, despite these measures, human trafficking continues to be a significant problem in India. There is a need for greater awareness about the issue, and more concerted efforts by law enforcement agencies to crack down on traffickers and bring them to justice.

In conclusion, the arrest of the four accused in Madhya Pradesh for selling a minor girl is a reminder of the continuing problem of human trafficking in India. It highlights the need for a concerted effort to address this issue and protect vulnerable people from exploitation.


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