“Imminent Disaster Looms: Former Pakistani Prime Minister Warns of Disintegration and Urges Elections”


Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has issued a dire warning about an impending disaster that could potentially lead to the disintegration of Pakistan. Accusing the ruling coalition of conspiring against his party, Khan called for immediate elections as the only solution to end the country’s political instability.

In a video-link address from his residence in Zaman Park, Khan expressed concerns about the disregard shown by the opposition leaders and the absconding former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who he claimed prioritized their own interests over the well-being of the nation. Khan emphasized that the sanctity of Pakistan’s constitution and state institutions should be preserved, and urged the powers that be to allow elections to take place in order to save the country from a looming crisis.

Highlighting recent events, Khan alleged that his arrest from the Islamabad High Court premises was part of a conspiracy executed by the ruling coalition and the Punjab caretaker government. He warned that if the situation remained unresolved, Pakistan could face a fate similar to the disintegration of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) in 1971.

While defending his criticism of the country’s army, Khan clarified that he did not interfere in state institutions’ internal matters. He expressed concern over politicians claiming that he would remove the current army chief if voted into power, citing such remarks as baseless and damaging to the country’s stability.

Responding to the government’s claim that terrorists were hiding in his residence, Khan called for a lawful search with a search warrant, expressing concern for his own safety in the presence of alleged terrorists. He urged the authorities not to use this as an excuse to crack down on his political party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

Khan also revealed the results of a recent survey indicating that 70% of Pakistan’s population stood with the PTI, while the remaining 30% supported parties within the ruling coalition. In an effort to dispel rumors, Khan allowed media representatives to visit his residence, who confirmed the absence of terrorists and only found domestic workers and policemen.

The arrest of Khan on May 9 sparked widespread unrest in Pakistan, with protesters storming the army headquarters in Rawalpindi and causing damage to military and civilian installations. The military leadership has vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice through trials under relevant laws.

Imran Khan’s warning highlights the critical state of Pakistan’s political landscape. As the nation faces this precarious situation, it is crucial for stakeholders to prioritize dialogue, uphold democratic processes, and work towards stability to prevent any potential disaster.


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