Inconsistent Polygraph Results in Abhishek Roy Case Raise Questions Over Reliability and Political Motives

    Polygraph test on Roy yields false answers

    The polygraph test conducted on Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Abhishek Roy has come under intense scrutiny after authorities reported that the test yielded false or inconsistent answers. The polygraph, often called a “lie detector test,” was carried out as part of an ongoing investigation into Roy’s alleged involvement in a high-profile corruption case. The irregular results have sparked a fresh debate on the accuracy and reliability of polygraph testing, particularly in high-stakes legal and political scenarios.

    The Case and Roy’s Alleged Involvement

    Abhishek Roy, a prominent leader within the TMC, has been at the center of a controversy involving a multi-crore corruption case linked to illegal land acquisition and government contracts. Investigators have long suspected Roy of playing a key role in orchestrating the scheme, which allegedly involved siphoning off public funds through fraudulent contracts.

    Roy has consistently denied the allegations, claiming that he has been falsely implicated for political reasons. However, mounting evidence has made his position increasingly precarious, prompting authorities to subject him to a polygraph test in a bid to extract the truth.

    The Polygraph Test: A Tool for Truth or a Flawed Science?

    Polygraph tests, which measure physiological responses such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory activity to assess the veracity of a person’s statements, have long been used in criminal investigations across the globe. The idea is that lying triggers physical responses in the body that are difficult to suppress, allowing investigators to distinguish between truth and falsehoods.

    However, the reliability of these tests has been questioned, with critics pointing out that the physiological reactions the tests measure can be influenced by stress, anxiety, or even medical conditions, leading to inaccurate results.

    In Roy’s case, the polygraph test reportedly produced a series of false or misleading answers. According to sources close to the investigation, the test results were inconsistent with both the evidence at hand and Roy’s prior statements. Investigators had hoped the test would provide conclusive answers regarding Roy’s role in the corruption case, but the results have instead complicated the investigation further.

    Inconsistent Results: What Went Wrong?

    The inconsistent polygraph results have raised serious questions about the circumstances under which the test was conducted and its scientific validity. While authorities have not yet disclosed the full details of Roy’s polygraph test, sources suggest that Roy’s physical and emotional state at the time of testing may have contributed to the irregular findings. Polygraph tests can be particularly unreliable when subjects are under extreme stress, suffering from medical conditions, or using medications that can alter their physiological responses.

    Roy’s legal team has already seized upon these inconsistencies, arguing that the test was fundamentally flawed and cannot be used as reliable evidence. They have pointed out that polygraph tests are not admissible as evidence in many courts, including in India, where the Supreme Court has ruled that no one can be forced to undergo such tests without their consent.

    One of Roy’s lawyers commented, “The results are not only unreliable but also potentially damaging to Mr. Roy’s reputation. The investigators were relying on junk science to make their case, and we intend to challenge the validity of this entire process.”

    Legal and Political Fallout

    The irregular polygraph results have ignited a political storm, with the TMC and its supporters accusing the investigating agencies of orchestrating a smear campaign against Roy. TMC leaders have argued that the test was politically motivated, aimed at discrediting Roy and undermining the party in the run-up to key elections.

    “The polygraph test was a desperate attempt to corner Roy without any concrete evidence,” said a senior TMC official. “These tests are unreliable, and this entire process is part of a wider conspiracy to defame our leaders.”

    On the other hand, opposition parties, particularly the BJP, have demanded a thorough and transparent investigation. They argue that the polygraph test, even with its inconsistencies, indicates Roy’s potential involvement in the corruption scandal. “The test may have yielded inconsistent results, but the very fact that such a test was necessary shows how deep this issue runs,” remarked a BJP spokesperson. “The public deserves answers.”

    The Science Behind Polygraphs: Can They Be Trusted?

    Polygraph testing has long been criticized for its lack of scientific rigor. Though it is frequently used as an investigative tool, many experts argue that polygraphs measure stress or anxiety rather than truthfulness. Given the serious stakes of Roy’s case, questions are now being raised about whether such a test should have been administered in the first place.

    In many countries, polygraph results are considered too unreliable to be admitted as evidence in court, as they can produce both false positives (identifying a truthful person as lying) and false negatives (failing to identify a liar). Critics have also pointed out that experienced liars, or those trained to control their physiological responses, can sometimes “beat” the polygraph.

    The inconsistent polygraph test results in the Abhishek Roy case have cast doubt on both the investigation and the use of polygraphs in sensitive cases. While authorities must now reassess their strategy, the controversy has provided fresh ammunition to both Roy’s legal team and his political allies, who claim that the test was merely a tool of political persecution. As the investigation continues, the polygraph results are likely to remain a contentious issue, raising broader questions about the use of such tests in the criminal justice system.


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