Islam Preaches Co-Existence, Says Muslim World League Chief AL-Issa

Islam preaches co-existence


In a recent address, a renowned Islamic scholar from Saudi Arabia underscored the significance of coexistence as an obligatory practice for Muslims. The scholar, whose expertise and reputation in the field of Islamic studies are widely recognized, highlighted Islam’s teachings of compassion, justice, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their religious or cultural backgrounds. This article explores the scholar’s perspective on coexistence and its relevance in fostering harmonious relationships among diverse communities.

The Islamic Scholar’s Message:

The esteemed scholar expressed that coexistence is not merely a suggestion but an obligation for Muslims as prescribed by Islam’s teachings. Drawing upon the Quran and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the scholar emphasized the principles of tolerance, understanding, and peaceful coexistence that Islam promotes. He stressed that Muslims are duty-bound to engage in respectful dialogue, cooperate with people of different faiths, and actively contribute to the well-being of society.

Islamic Teachings and Coexistence:

Islam, as a religion, upholds core values that lay the foundation for harmonious coexistence. The Quran emphasizes the importance of justice, kindness, and empathy towards others. It encourages Muslims to engage in peaceful interactions and build bridges of understanding between diverse communities. The Prophet Muhammad’s own example serves as a guiding light, as he consistently demonstrated kindness, compassion, and respect for people from different backgrounds.

Promoting Harmony and Unity:

The scholar further elaborated on the need to promote harmony and unity in societies, citing that Islam encourages Muslims to respect the rights and beliefs of others. Emphasizing the verse from the Quran, “To you, your religion; to me, mine” (Quran 109:6), he explained that this verse encapsulates the spirit of coexistence, recognizing the freedom of religious practice and belief for all individuals.

Challenges and Opportunities:

While highlighting the importance of coexistence, the scholar acknowledged the challenges that exist in contemporary societies. He underscored the necessity for mutual respect, open dialogue, and proactive efforts to address misunderstandings and prejudices. He also recognized the role of education and knowledge in dispelling misconceptions and promoting peaceful coexistence.


The message of coexistence as an obligation for Muslims resonates strongly with Islamic teachings that emphasize compassion, justice, and respect for all. The esteemed scholar’s insights shed light on the importance of embracing diversity, fostering understanding, and actively working towards a more harmonious and inclusive society. By adhering to the principles of coexistence, Muslims can play a pivotal role in promoting peace, unity, and mutual respect among people of different backgrounds and faiths.


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