Manipur Floods Affect Over 1.88 Lakh People, Damaging More Than 24,000 Houses: Minister Calls for Urgent Assistance


The northeastern Indian state of Manipur has been ravaged by severe floods, affecting over 1.88 lakh (188,000) residents and causing extensive damage to infrastructure and property. According to the state’s Relief and Disaster Management Minister, this catastrophe has led to the destruction of more than 24,000 houses, creating a dire humanitarian crisis that requires immediate and coordinated response efforts.

The floods, triggered by incessant heavy rainfall over several days, have inundated large swathes of the state. Rivers and streams, swollen beyond their capacity, have breached embankments, submerging towns, villages, and agricultural lands. The relentless waters have not only displaced thousands of families but have also disrupted essential services, including electricity, water supply, and communication networks. The Minister of Relief and Disaster Management highlighted the gravity of the situation, stating, “This is one of the most severe flood events we have witnessed in recent history. The extent of the damage is staggering, with more than 1.88 lakh people affected and over 24,000 houses either partially or completely destroyed. The state is in urgent need of assistance to manage this overwhelming crisis.”

The state government, in collaboration with national agencies and non-governmental organizations, has launched extensive relief operations. Emergency shelters have been set up in schools, community centers, and other public buildings to accommodate the displaced population. Food, water, and medical supplies are being distributed, although access to some of the worst-hit areas remains a significant challenge due to damaged roads and bridges. The Minister emphasized the need for a coordinated effort to ensure that relief reaches every affected person. “We are working round the clock to provide relief, but the scale of this disaster requires a much larger response. We urge the central government, international agencies, and the private sector to come forward with support,” he added.

The floods have inflicted severe damage on infrastructure, with numerous roads, bridges, and public buildings either submerged or destroyed. This has not only hampered relief efforts but has also isolated many communities, exacerbating their plight. Agricultural lands, which form the backbone of the state’s economy, have been severely affected, with standing crops washed away, leading to fears of a long-term impact on food security and livelihoods. Economists and experts warn that the economic fallout from this disaster could be profound. The loss of homes, businesses, and agricultural produce will require substantial investment for reconstruction and rehabilitation. The state will also need to focus on rebuilding critical infrastructure to restore normalcy and support economic recovery.

The floods have also raised significant environmental and health concerns. The stagnant floodwaters are breeding grounds for waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and malaria. There is an urgent need for medical teams to address potential outbreaks and provide preventive care to the affected population. Additionally, the destruction of natural habitats and pollution of water sources pose long-term environmental challenges that need to be addressed.

As Manipur grapples with this devastating flood, the focus must be on comprehensive and sustained relief and rehabilitation efforts. Immediate priorities include ensuring the safety and well-being of affected individuals, restoring essential services, and preventing disease outbreaks. In the longer term, the state will need to invest in rebuilding resilient infrastructure, supporting economic recovery, and implementing measures to mitigate the impact of future natural disasters.

The Minister concluded with a call to action: “This is a time for solidarity and collective effort. We must come together to support the people of Manipur in their time of need and work towards a sustainable and resilient future.”

The floods in Manipur have underscored the vulnerability of regions to extreme weather events and the urgent need for preparedness and resilience-building measures. The path to recovery will be challenging, but with coordinated efforts and support, the state can overcome this crisis and emerge stronger.


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