Somalia in State of Emergency: Devastating Floods Worsened by El Niño


Tragedy Strikes as Floods Claim Lives in Somalia

Somalia finds itself in a dire state of emergency as intense flooding, exacerbated by the El Niño phenomenon, wreaks havoc across the nation. At least 96 people have lost their lives, with many towns severely affected by the devastating consequences of relentless rainfall. Among the hardest-hit areas is Beledweyne, where the Shabelle River’s overflow has resulted in widespread destruction, displacing thousands and leaving communities in distress.

Beledweyne Faces Unprecedented Challenges

Beledweyne, a densely populated town, is grappling with the aftermath of the overflowing Shabelle River, leading to the destruction of numerous homes and forcing mass evacuations to higher ground near the Ethiopian border. Families, already displaced by conflicts between al-Shabab and Somali government forces, now find themselves seeking shelter from the double calamity of violence and flooding.

Hakima Mohamud Hareed, a mother of four, expressed the family’s plight, stating, “We left our home in search of safety and stability, but little did we know that we would end up facing another calamity.” The displacement camp of Kutiimo in Beledweyne has witnessed the devastation of families, with Save the Children estimating that approximately 250,000 people, or 90% of Beledweyne’s population, have been forced out of their homes.

State of Emergency and the Humanitarian Crisis

The federal government of Somalia declared a state of emergency in October, recognizing the severity of the situation. Extreme weather conditions intensified by the El Niño phenomenon have resulted in the destruction of homes, roads, and bridges, compounding the challenges faced by the population. Save the Children reports that the flooding has triggered a humanitarian crisis, displacing a staggering number of people.


El Niño’s Impact and Climate Change Concerns

El Niño, a natural weather phenomenon involving temporary warming of part of the Pacific, has disrupted weather patterns globally. In the case of Somalia, the airborne paths of storms have shifted, causing excessive rainfall and flooding. Scientists believe that climate change contributes to the intensification of El Niño, making it more potent and frequent.

Unprecedented Flooding and the Warning of a Century-Long Event

The U.N.-backed Somali Water and Land Information Management project has issued a warning of a flood event statistically likely only once in a century. Torrential rainfall continues to affect many regions in Somalia and neighboring countries, with Kenya and Ethiopia also grappling with the consequences of this rare flooding phenomenon.

Urgent Plea for Assistance

Beledweyne, situated in the central region of Hiran, is at the epicenter of the crisis, with homes washed away and families grappling with hunger and desperation. The call for assistance from both domestic and international communities is urgent. Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre, speaking from the Dollow district of Gedo region, emphasized the gravity of the situation and urged the international community to provide crucial support to alleviate the suffering of affected families.

As Somalia battles this dual crisis of conflict and flooding, the need for immediate and sustained humanitarian aid is paramount. The nation is grappling with the profound impact of climate change and weather-related disasters, emphasizing the urgency of global collaboration to address the interconnected challenges of our changing world.


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