Delhi High Court Grants Default Bail, States Filing ‘Piece-Meal’ Charge Sheet Violates Right to Default Bail


In a significant ruling, the Delhi High Court has reiterated the importance of protecting the rights of the accused and upholding the principles of justice. The court granted default bail to an accused individual in an alleged corruption case while strongly criticizing the practice of filing “piece-meal” charge sheets by investigative agencies. This article delves into the court’s observations and their implications for the criminal justice system.

In a significant ruling, the Delhi High Court has reiterated the importance of protecting the rights of the accused and upholding the principles of justice. The court granted default bail to an accused individual in an alleged corruption case while strongly criticizing the practice of filing “piece-meal” charge sheets by investigative agencies. This article delves into the court’s observations and their implications for the criminal justice system.

Article 21 of the Constitution of India guarantees the right to life and personal liberty. The court emphasized that allowing investigative agencies to selectively file charge sheets to defeat an accused person’s right to default bail would violate this constitutional provision. The court cited the Supreme Court’s earlier judgments, which held that the right to default bail cannot be infringed by filing incomplete charge sheets.

The Delhi High Court’s ruling serves as a crucial safeguard against potential misuse of the criminal justice system. It reiterates the need for investigative agencies to conduct a thorough and comprehensive investigation before filing charge sheets. By preventing the arbitrary use of “piece-meal” charge sheets, the court ensures that the accused’s right to default bail is protected, thereby upholding the principles of justice and fairness.

The court criticized the CBI for filing a charge sheet without completing the investigation into the offenses under the PC Act. This practice was seen as a deliberate attempt to circumvent the accused person’s right to default bail. The court’s scathing remarks highlight the need for investigative agencies to act diligently and with integrity, ensuring that they adhere to established legal principles.

The Delhi High Court’s ruling represents a significant step in safeguarding the rights of the accused and upholding the principles of justice. By condemning the practice of filing “piece-meal” charge sheets, the court has emphasized the importance of completing investigations thoroughly before initiating legal proceedings. This decision serves as a reminder to investigative agencies to act responsibly, ensuring that the rights of individuals are protected throughout the criminal justice process.


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