Enhanced Security and Safety: India’s Progress under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Leadership


Since assuming office in 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been steadfast in his commitment to bolstering India’s security and ensuring the safety of its citizens. Under his leadership, experts have acknowledged significant enhancements in India’s security apparatus and an increased sense of safety among citizens residing within the country and its border areas.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah recently highlighted the remarkable achievements in India’s coastal security during a foundation stone laying ceremony for the National Academy of Coastal Policing (NACP) at Okha in Dev Bhoomi Dwarka district. He revealed that a single consignment of drugs seized off the Kerala coast surpassed the total value of drugs seized during the 10-year rule of the previous government. The Indian Navy and Coast Guard intercepted drugs worth ₹12,000 crore, a stark contrast to the ₹680 crore worth of narcotics seized in the ten years prior to the Modi government.

This accomplishment is just one example of the strides made in bolstering India’s security. The establishment of the NACP in 2018 serves as a testament to Prime Minister Modi’s vision and determination in ensuring coastal security for the nation. The academy, constructed on over 450 acres of land at a cost of Rs.470 crore, plays a crucial role in training and enhancing the preparedness and capabilities of India’s coastal security forces.

The comprehensive strategy formulated under PM Modi’s leadership has resulted in the creation of a robust security ring known as the “Sudarshan Chakra.” This integrated approach involves the participation of various entities such as the Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard, Marine Police, Customs, and fishermen, all working together to safeguard the nation’s interests.

Moreover, PM Modi’s vision extends beyond coastal security, encompassing the concept of “Secure Borders-Prosperous Nation.” His government has focused on unprecedented increases in developmental works on international borders, strengthening communication systems, essential construction projects, and initiatives utilizing the latest technologies. These efforts aim to make India’s security system strong and impregnable.

The significance of these security measures cannot be overstated, particularly in light of past security lapses. The 26/11 Mumbai terror attack stands as a painful reminder of the consequences of inadequate coastal security. Shah emphasized that the establishment of the NACP was a direct response to the lapses in coastal security during the previous government’s tenure, aiming to ensure uniformity in the response of forces guarding India’s coastline.

As the NACP continues to develop into a world-class academy on coastal security, it plays a pivotal role in creating a secure maritime environment for India. The commitment and determination exhibited by PM Modi and his government in fortifying India’s borders and ensuring the safety of its citizens have undeniably yielded significant progress in enhancing national security.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has witnessed a remarkable improvement in its security apparatus and a heightened sense of safety among its citizens. Through initiatives like the NACP and comprehensive strategies, the government has successfully addressed security challenges and worked towards making India’s security system robust and impregnable. As the nation moves forward, these efforts will continue to play a crucial role in safeguarding India’s interests and fostering a secure environment for its citizens.


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