Union Minister Accuses Rajasthan Congress Government of Corruption and Appeasement: Calls for Honest Governance


In a recent development, Union Minister and BJP leader Gajendra Singh Shekhawat has launched scathing allegations against the Ashok Gehlot-led Congress government in Rajasthan. Shekhawat claims that the state government is the “most corrupt” in the history of democratic India and accuses it of engaging in appeasement politics to secure votes from a particular religious community.

Addressing reporters during a BJP State Working Committee meeting in Nagaur, Shekhawat expressed his concerns about the rampant corruption prevailing under the Gehlot administration. He went as far as likening the government to a digital currency, stating that “G-Pay” in Rajasthan has become synonymous with “Gehlot-Pay,” implying a systemic culture of corruption.

The recent seizure of Rs 2.31 crore in Yojana Bhawan in Jaipur further fueled Shekhawat’s claims. He questioned the adequacy of the response, suggesting that the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), Income Tax department, and Enforcement Directorate should have been promptly involved. Additionally, there are allegations of discrepancies between the disclosed amount and the actual amount recovered, casting doubt on the government’s transparency.

Shekhawat also raised concerns about reports of posters highlighting an alleged “exodus” of Hindus in the Kishanpole area of Jaipur. He accused the Gehlot government of engaging in appeasement policies throughout its tenure, aimed at augmenting its vote bank. According to Shekhawat, such actions remind people of the Mughal rule, emphasizing the government’s failure to uphold principles of equality and secularism.

In response to these allegations, Shekhawat vowed that the BJP would tirelessly fight against the corrupt rule and what he perceives as an anti-farmer, anti-youth, and anti-Hindu government. He highlighted the contrast between the central government’s commitment to honesty and the alleged dishonesty of the state government.

It is important to note that this ongoing political feud between Shekhawat and Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot is not new. Shekhawat had previously defeated Gehlot’s son, Vaibhav Gehlot, in the 2019 Lok Sabha polls from Jodhpur. With assembly elections in Rajasthan scheduled later this year, the accusations and counter-accusations between the two leaders are expected to intensify as they vie for public support.

The allegations made by Gajendra Singh Shekhawat against the Rajasthan Congress government demand a thorough investigation. As the state gears up for the upcoming elections, the citizens of Rajasthan will be closely observing how these allegations are addressed and the impact they may have on the political landscape. Ultimately, the people of Rajasthan deserve a government that is committed to honesty, transparency, and the welfare of all its citizens, regardless of religion or affiliation.


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