Kerala’s Progress Under the Left Front Government: Celebrating Two Years of Development Amidst Opposition Protests


Amidst the fervent protests and allegations raised by the opposition, the Left Front government in Kerala marked its second anniversary with a sense of accomplishment. Led by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, the government released its “progress card” highlighting the successful completion of various promises made in its election manifesto.

Addressing a massive gathering, Chief Minister Vijayan proudly proclaimed that Kerala has witnessed remarkable development under the Left Democratic Front (LDF) rule over the past seven years. The government’s vision extends beyond local boundaries, as it aspires to elevate the state’s status to that of developed nations around the world.

In addition to infrastructure development, the government focused on bolstering agricultural capabilities, resulting in a significant increase in paddy cultivation from 170,000 hectares to 223,000. Vijayan further revealed that the state’s GDP has witnessed a commendable growth rate of 12.01%, while unemployment plummeted from 12% to a promising 5%. Moreover, the government successfully incubated over 140,000 enterprises, surpassing their promise of initiating one lakh enterprises.

Taking a swipe at the Congress-led UDF opposition, Chief Minister Vijayan criticized their attempts to defame the Left government. He challenged them to pinpoint any mistakes made by the government over the past seven years, emphasizing their inability to do so. Vijayan credited the Left Front government for bringing about transformative changes in the education and health sectors, as well as enhancing the state’s road network.

However, amidst the celebrations, hundreds of UDF workers, including women from various districts, staged protests near the state Secretariat complex, alleging misrule under the Left dispensation. The opposition’s claims clashed with the government’s assertion of progress and development.

The government further solidified its stance by releasing an advertisement titled “The Real Kerala Story,” countering the negative portrayal of the state in a recent controversial film. The advertisement aimed to highlight Kerala’s social harmony and progressive values under the rule of the Left Front government.

As Kerala’s Left Front government completes its second consecutive term, it stands firm in its commitment to steering the state towards greater heights. Despite opposition protests, the government’s progress card showcases impressive achievements in various sectors, propelling Kerala on the path of sustained development and inclusive growth.


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