Prime Minister Modi and President Macron Strengthen India-France Strategic Ties: Discussions on Trade, Defence, and Cultural Cooperation


Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron recently held a significant meeting on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan. The meeting aimed to deepen the strategic ties between India and France, focusing on key sectors such as trade, defence, culture, and more. The discussions held great importance as they occurred just weeks before Prime Minister Modi’s scheduled visit to Paris.

Both leaders expressed their satisfaction with the progress made in the India-France Strategic Partnership across various domains. Trade and economic cooperation, civil aviation, renewable energy, culture, co-production, and manufacturing in the defence sector, as well as civil nuclear cooperation, were among the areas highlighted during their talks. Recognizing the potential for further growth, they agreed to expand the partnership to newer domains, showcasing their commitment to a stronger bilateral relationship.

Prime Minister Modi expressed his gratitude to President Macron for France’s support during India’s G20 Presidency. The leaders also exchanged views on regional developments and global challenges, highlighting their shared commitment to addressing pressing issues on the international stage.

The forthcoming visit of Prime Minister Modi to France on July 14, 2023, for Bastille Day, was a topic of discussion as well. President Macron extended an invitation to Prime Minister Modi to be the Guest of Honour for the event, which marks the 25th anniversary of the India-France Strategic Partnership. This gesture further solidifies the close ties between the two nations.

In a show of military cooperation, a contingent of the Indian armed forces will participate in the Bastille Day parade alongside their French counterparts. This joint display highlights the growing defence partnership between India and France and emphasizes their commitment to security collaboration.

The meeting between Prime Minister Modi and President Macron not only strengthened the existing bonds but also laid the foundation for enhanced collaboration between India and France in various sectors. The strategic partnership between these two nations holds immense potential for economic growth, technological advancement, and cultural exchange.

As India and France move forward, they will continue to explore new avenues for cooperation, fostering mutual understanding, and addressing global challenges. The discussions and outcomes of this meeting serve as a testament to the shared vision and determination of both leaders to take the India-France relationship to new heights.

The meeting between Prime Minister Modi and President Macron in Hiroshima exemplified the commitment of India and France to deepen their strategic ties. The discussions focused on trade, defence, culture, and more, with both leaders expressing satisfaction with the progress made so far. As they prepare for Prime Minister Modi’s visit to France for Bastille Day, the stage is set for further strengthening the India-France Strategic Partnership and unlocking the full potential of their collaboration.


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