Press Release

1940 Cargo Ship Found in Lake Superior: Maritime History Revealed

In a remarkable discovery, a cargo ship that sank more than eight decades ago has been found at the bottom of Lake Superior in...

NYC Schools Closed Amid Winter Storm

As a winter storm sweeps across New York City, authorities have issued a snow emergency, prompting the closure of schools and urging residents to...

Powell’s Remarks Steer Market Sentiment Amid Rate Cut Speculations

In a pivotal moment for the global economy, the US Federal Reserve convened for a key meeting, casting a spotlight on Chairman Jerome Powell's...

Oxford Word of the Year 2023 Revealed: Unpacking Modern Language Trends

The prestigious Oxford Word of the Year for 2023 is set to capture the essence of contemporary language shifts, with 'Situationship' emerging as a...

Madhya Pradesh Elections: Kamal Nath Accuses CM Shivraj of ‘50% Commission’ Rule

Kamal Nath, the Madhya Pradesh Congress President, raised serious allegations against Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan's government, highlighting a claimed '50% commission' rule prevailing...

Latest news

Controversy Erupts Over Taste Atlas’s Ratings of Popular Indian Foods

Indians cherish their food, with its enormous variety setting it apart from other cuisines. Recently, the experiential online guide...

Study Finds Genetic Link to BMI, Highlighting Obesity Risks

A new study suggests that Body Mass Index (BMI) may be significantly influenced by genetic factors. Researchers have found...

Surge in Demand for Skilled Medical Coders in India Drives Enrollment in Specialized Courses

After the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare sector has seen an extraordinary spike in demand for skilled personnel, particularly in...

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Gautam Adani Surpasses Mukesh Ambani to Reclaim Title of Asia’s Richest Person

In a significant shakeup of the billionaire hierarchy, Gautam...

Tragedy Strikes Jagannath Festival: Nine Lives Lost in Puri Explosion

The sacred city of Puri in the eastern Indian...

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